{Magic of the Mundane} … Mondays on Sofia’s Ideas

by Nutrition Fruition on February 6, 2012

{Magic of the Mundane}


Forever ago, I wrote a post called Magic of the Mundane.  My intention, even back then, was to make it a weekly series and link up.  Like many Sofia’s Ideas, it got lost somewhere along the way, hidden underneath a pile of perfectionism and procrastination.  But like I said, I’m reclaiming my awesome this year; part of that is regaining my personal integrity by making good on my promises.

Along with my Hour of Power, our weekly mommy & me-s eventually became a non-priority.  I found myself saying “not today, tomorrow” or “next week instead” but tomorrow or next week never came… for me or for them.  And the days and weeks and months passed, and I wondered where the time went and how I allowed it to pass me by.

I got caught up in doing the unimportant and inconsequential things, the never-ending list of things that fight for mama’s attention.  But life is incredibly short, and we never know how much time we have with the people we love.  When we “begin with the end in mind“, we shift our focus away from the inane details of daily life, and towards what makes life actually worth living.

But its not even about carving out “quality time”.  Its simply about being in the moment, consciously connecting, and being mindful that every ordinary moment has the potential to be extraordinary…  It’s about deepening our relationships and appreciating the life and love we have been blessed with… simply by making Magic of the Mundane.


I hope that you will join me on Sofia’s Ideas, every Monday, to share how you created a magically mundane moment, or simply savored one that unfolded on its own…

Share your snapshot, snippet, story, scenario, song, or short video starting next week, Monday February 13, 2012.

Please grab a button for your post…

Sofia's Ideas {Magic of the Mundane}

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